Catherine Friend
Catherine Friend


Finally! Our yarn spent 10 months at the fiber mill (they had many business and personal problems, some tragic.) Then it took me a few months to dye the skeins with London Nelson. Then it took another few weeks to reskein the skeins (got tangled because they weren’t tied well at the troubled mill) with Kathy’s help, and twinsetellen’s swifts. (Thanks to both of you!) We tied them with pink yarn, which is why you’ll see pink in surprising places in the photos. Here’s the reskeining project:

But now I think we’re ready.  Should I call it “Hit by a Farm Yarn”?  🙂

Here’s what you need to know—

yarn from a farm: We haven’t yet purchased coats for our sheep, so there will be a little vegetative matter in the yarn. Not much. Just enough to remind you this isn’t commercially produced yarn. 🙂 Also, this yarn is 100% wool, and is not treated as ‘superwash,’ so hand wash only.

-hand-dyed yarn: It’s amazing how differently each skein of yarn absorbs the dye. If there are 4-5 skeins in a pot, some will be brighter, others more muted. Some will absorb more or less of one color. I’ve been told that if you’re doing a project that requires more than one skein, you should trade off skeins every 2-3 rows to better incorporate the differences in dye.

the skeins: The yarn is mostly worsted weight—but a few skeins look a little thinner—sport? And the weight per skein differs as well. I must say that I’m disappointed in the fiber mill, and I can see that consistency is going to be a problem. But what’s spun, is spun.

Ha. Sorry.

The skeins will be enough for socks or mittens or a hat or a scarf. I’d asked the mill to put them in skeins of 250 yards, but it didn’t happen—most range from 200-220 yards. If you want larger socks, you might have to make the toe from a coordinating yarn. Here are the socks I knit with a 3.6 ounce skein of Ice Palace:

skein price:  based on weight: 2.5-2.9 oz –$20
                                                      3-3.8 oz — $22
                                                      3.9-4.8 oz–$24

Shipping is $6.

ordering: NO RESTRICTIONS on number of skeinsFirst, skim the comments, then comment with the yarn name and skein number you’d like to purchase. I’ll update the blog regularly so you’ll know what’s gone and what’s left. When everyone has had a chance to order and there are still skeins left, the sky’s the limit. 🙂  If you can’t comment, email me at

payment: Send a check made out to Rising Moon Farm (for yarn and $6 shipping) to Box 21, Zumbrota, MN 55992

shipping: Please be patient. It’s just me filling these orders, since Melissa is still making the world safe by locating underground utility lines. 🙂  And the dogs are not helpful at all.

books? Want signed copies of Hit by a Farm or Sheepish? Let me know and I’ll recalculate the shipping. Books and yarn might make a nice holiday gift… 🙂

Thanks SO much for supporting Melissa and me and our farm, and being patient as I find my way through this fiber world. My goal is to keep making the yarn better with breeding and coats, and learn more about dyeing, and find a fiber mill that can be consistent.

SORRY, ONLY 12 skeins left. I’m heading for the fiber mill on Monday, however, to have more spun!

Cherry Fizz—fun range from dark to pink to pale. The camera freaks out at red.  SOLD OUT
Skein 1   $24  SOLD to Sarah E.  PD
Skein 2   $24  SOLD to Sarah E.  PD
Skein 3   $22  SOLD to Paige    PD
Skein 4   $22  SOLD to Barbara L.   PD

Driftwood  SOLD OUT
Skein 1  $22  SOLD to Sara
Skein 2  $22  SOLD to Peggy  PD
Skein 3  $22  SOLD to Sarah M. PD
Skein 4  $20  SOLD to Brenda  PD

Endless Sea  SOLD OUT
Skein 1   $24  SOLD to twinsetjan
Skein 2   $22  SOLD to twinsetjan
Skein 3   $20  SOLD to MaryEllen   pd

Forest Floor: Quiet, subtle yarn of muted blues, browns, and rose.SOLD OUT
Skein 1   $22  SOLD to Jan
Skein 2   $22  SOLD to Peggy  PD
Skein 3   $22  SOLD to Marian T. Librarian   PD
Skein 4   $20  SOLD to Carol (MN bookseller!)   PD

Woodland Rose: Every skein in this batch came out looking totally different than the others. Not recommended for multiple skein projects! SOLD OUT
Skein 1   $24  SOLD to txcat girl   PD
Skein 2   $20  SOLD to txcat girl   PD
Skein 3   $20  SOLD to Mama Tea’s mom  PD
Skein 4   $20  SOLD to Maggie M.   PD
Skein 5   $20  SOLD to Beth G

Gone with the Wind  SOLD OUT
Skein 1   $24  SOLD to Woolstock  pd
Skein 2   $24  SOLD to Amanda H.  pd
Skein 3   $22  SOLD to Amanda H.  pd
Skein 4   $22  SOLD to Karol S.
Skein 5   $22  SOLD to Karol S.
Skein 6   $22  SOLD to Beth G
Skein 7   $22  SOLD to Beth G

Great Balls of Fire 
Skein 1   $24  SOLD to RuthieJ   PD
Skein 2   $22  SOLD to Paige  pd
Skein 3   $22  SOLD to Cara K  PD
Skein 4   $22  SOLD to Eliz M. G.  PD
Skein 5   $20  SOLD to Cara K  PD

Ice Palace  SOLD OUT
Skein 1   $22  SOLD to Barbara L.   PD
Skein 2   $22  SOLD to Melissa M    PD

Indian Summer  SOLD OUT
Skein 1  $24  SOLD to Joanne S.
Skein 2  $22  SOLD to Joanne S.
Skein 3  $22 SOLD to Molly (Miss Z)    PD
Skein 4  $22 SOLD to Colleen
Skein 5  $22  SOLD to Colleen

Lilac Blues   SOLD OUT
Skein 1  $22  SOLD to Susan    PD
Skein 2  $22  SOLD to Mollykate  PD
Skein 3  $20  SOLD to Mary H.  PD
Skein 4  $20  SOLD to Mary H.   PD

Minnesota Leopard: (There really isn’t a MN leopard. Just playing with you…)
Skein 1  $22  SOLD to GRACEY
Skein 2  $20  SOLD
Skein 3  $20
Skein 4  $20

Napping in the Grass   SOLD OUT
Skein 1  $22  SOLD to KNITMA
Skein 2  $22  SOLD to Mary Ellen   pd
Skein 3  $22  SOLD to Mary Ellen   pd
Skein 4  $20  SOLD to Paige   pd
Skein 5  $20  SOLD to Jamie

Northern Lights  SOLD OUT
Skein 1  $24  SOLD to KNITMA
Skein 2  $22  SOLD to donateascarfforrescuedogs   PD
Skein 3  $22  SOLD to donateascarfforrescuedogs   PD
Skein 4  $22  SOLD to jilly47
Skein 5  $22  SOLD to jilly47
Skein 6  $22 SOLD to MollyKate  PD

Pink Moon   SOLD OUT
Skein 1  $22  SOLD to Molly (Miss Z)    PD
Skein 2  $22  SOLD to Amber
Skein 3  $22  SOLD to Barb   PD
Skein 4  $20  SOLD to Barb   PD

Tangled up in Blue   SOLD OUT
Skein 1 $22  SOLD to Maggie  PD
Skein 2 $22  SOLD to Mama Pea  PD
Skein 3 $22  SOLD to Mama Tea  PD
Skein 4 $22  SOLD to Amber

Tie Dye   SOLD OUT
Skein 1  $22  SOLD to Bobbie M  PD
Skein 2  $22  SOLD to Bobbie M  PD
Skein 3  $22  SOLD to auntietoast   PD
Skein 4  $22  SOLD to auntietoast   PD
Skein 5  $20  SOLD to goodbobo (sue)  PD
Skein 6  $20  SOLD to goodbobo (sue)PD

Sea Glass 
Skein 1  $24  SOLD to Brenda  PD
Skein 2  $22  SOLD to Amanda  PD
Skein 3  $22  SOLD to Andrea   PD
Skein 4  $22  SOLD to Andrea   PD
Skein 5  $22   SOLD to Janet  PD

Summer Sherbert 
Skein 1  $22  SOLD to Amanda   PD
Skein 2  $22  SOLD to Colleen
Skein 3  $22  SOLD to Colleen
Skein 4  $20  SOLD to Melissa M   PD
Skein 5  $20  SOLD to Cosmo DK
Skein 6  $20  SOLD to Eliz. M. G.  PD

Winter Skyline
Skein 1  $20 (3 knots.)  SOLD to JAN
Skein 2  $22  SOLD to Sherry A.  PD
Skein 3  $22  SOLD to Robyn  PD
Skein 4  $22  SOLD to Robyn  PD
Skein 5  $22  SOLD to Jan

That’s it. Hope you found something you like. 

Comment to claim your skeins. In the event two people claim the same skeins, there will be a sheep-off (a written test on the information in Sheepish!)

Kidding. Enjoy!

42 Responses

  1. Catherine – It’s all beautiful!
    I’d like any of the below – 1 skein each for my 2 skeins.

    Top 2 choices are: Forest Floor and Winter Skyline.

    If not available, I’d take 1 of any of these: Endless Sea, Driftwood, Northern Lights, Tangled up in Blue

    We’ll get the yarn when we get the beef, so no need to mail it. Thanks so much. Can’t wait to “see it with my hands!” Jan

  2. 2 skeins of Woodland Rose, please, the larger ($24) skein plus the one that matches it most closely, or if that doesn’t work out, 2 Northern Lights or if they’re gone, 2 Winter Skyline. Maybe next time (if you’re willing to go through this again!), you would consider leaving some natural skeins? It’s all pretty; thanks for sharing it with us.

  3. Hi, Catherine! Chicken Mama just gave me a very strong hint that she would love a skein of Tangled Up in Blue for Christmas. So sign me up for one skein of that luscious blue stuff. I’ll put a check in the mail to you on Monday. Thanks for putting out this wonderful offer for all of us.

  4. Hi Catherine,
    These colors look great!
    Could you please put me down for Skein 1 of “Great Balls of Fire.” And if that’s not available, my alternate would be Skein 1 of “Cherry Fizz.”
    Thank you!

  5. Hi Catherine! I’ll take a skein of Tangled Up in Blue, please. If that is not available, I’ll take a large skein of Lilac Blues. 🙂 Thanks for the awesome offer! Can’t wait to use your yarn, its beautiful! I will put a check in the mail to you on Monday, Nov. 21st.

  6. Hi Catherine,
    I would LOVE to purchase Endless Sea #1 and #2.

    If they aren’t available, then two skeins of Northern Lights.

    Beautiful yarn! I can’t wait see and feel it in person! And I love the idea that there could be a little vegitation. =) Will make the finished item more unique!

    Thank you!
    Jill Sanders

  7. At the risk of sounding greedy…after this initial ordering period, if you have any unsold yarn, would you consider notifying your list (including we who have already purchased yarn) that it’s OK to come back for seconds? There is a fabulous cable and lace shawl pattern in the Fall issue of Vogue Knitting that would take at least 3 of your skeins. Just saying…

  8. Hi Catherine!

    I would like to knit a scarf out of 1 skein Cherry Fizz and 1 skein Great Balls of Fire. I am new to everything-knitting, farms, your books, and blogging.

    If those colors aren’t available please pick any of the following as replacements: Napping in the Grass, Indian Summer, Ice Palace, Tangled up in Blue, Sea Glass, Winter Skyline,Pink Moon, or Gone with the Wind.

    Thanks. Paige

  9. Hi Catherine – how exciting is this!! I would like two of the large skeins of sea glass, please, or two of Forest Floor.

    thanks so much for the opportunity–wish I lived closer to get some beef.


  10. OKAY, BUY AWAY! I think everyone who’d asked has now had the chance to buy yarn.

    So if you’d like to add to your current order, feel free.

    As for shipping, please add $1 for every additional skein you order. 1-2 skeins is $6, then add from there.


  11. Catherine-Please add 1 skein of Napping in the Grass to my order.

    If that is not available please substitute with either Sea Glass or Ice Palace.

    Thank you. Paige

  12. Hi Catherine,
    How exciting to get a skein of yarn from your sheep! I can’t wait to use it.

    I would like one $20 skein of one of the following: Forest Floor,
    Woodland Rose, or Napping in the Grass.

    Thank you so much!
    Carol (the knitter who works at Valley Bookseller)

  13. Transfarmer—Are you there? A woman who reserved 2 skeins of Northern Lights saw that you wanted some for your wife, who named the yarn. Dear Mollykate has offered to give up those two skeins so you can buy them.


    Such a generous offer. I love fiber people. I love my blog readers. I’m gonna go all mushy on you all if you keep this up…

  14. Transfarmer… sorry…things got too complicated for my little brain, so I need to stick with the original plan. But I’ll do that colorway again, and reserve the first skein for your wife!

  15. Umm…Catherine, in all the excitement, I believe you misread my comment — you’ve got me marked for two skeins of endless sea when I was hoping for one endless sea and one sea glass. If you can nab one of the sea glass for me, I’d appreciate it. I am happy to take three skeins if that makes it easier. (Heh!) I’ll put a check in the mail as soon as I know which skeins are going to head my way.


  16. twinsetjan… can you ever forgive me? I did mess up. Acck. And the seaglass is all gone. So sorry. I’m amazed I didn’t make more mistakes, given my state of mind. Do you still want the 2 endless sea? It’s a bootiful color…

  17. Hey Catherine – I’ll take the last skein of Winter Skyline if it’s still available. It’ll be good to have 2 skeins of 1 color. The possibilities are endless. Thanks. j.

  18. Hi Catherine!

    I love your books! I love your adventures with Melissa and the character list of animals that are in your stories! I’m an avid knitter and would love to get my hands and needles on your beautiful fleece! What colors do you have left? Wilder the better for me!! Thank Ewe!! 🙂

  19. Hi Catherine. I just finished reading Sheepish which I received a Christmas gift from my loving sisiter. I so enjoyed reading it and will definitely picking up copies of your other books. This is probably a rediculous question but I’ll ask anyway, do you have any of your lovely yarn left at all??? I would be interested in any color. If not I will definitely be on the lookout for the next batch, it looks marvelous!!!!!!!

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The Big Pivot

About Me

After twenty-five years on the farm, I’m adjusting to the adventures of city life. Part of that adjustment is figuring out what I want to write about now, since sheep are no longer part of my daily life. I’m challenging myself creatively by painting with pastels and playing the ukelele as I seek my new writing path.


Occasional Newsletter

Catherine Friend is a fiscal year 2021 recipient of a Creative Support for Individuals grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board. This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.