Catherine Friend
Catherine Friend

Ping II

Why Ping II? Because last year we had another foster duckling Melissa named Ping. It’s been a year, so I think I can write about it now.

Seems like every summer the last of the duck eggs takes too long to hatch, so by the time this duckling is out and ready to go, Mama and the others have already left the nest. The duckling doesn’t imprint on his mama, and gets lost a lot.

That’s what happened to the duckling above. His name is Ping II. He lives in a box in the basement at night, then hangs out in a nice cage in the shade during the day, surrounded by curious chickens and interested ducks and fascinated kittens.

What happened to Ping the First? Late June, 2006, Melissa was gone all day working at our friend’s chicken processing plant. I had this great idea to put Ping out with Daphne (his mother) and the other ducklings to see what might happen. I watched from the front door, checking every 10 minutes. When Ping couldn’t see me, he started following the other ducks. Daphne didn’t peck him, so he seemed to be accepted into the flock. So far, so good.

I was pretty pleased with myself, so got a little cavalier about checking. Thirty minutes passed before my next check. This time I did a quick head count of the babies waddling through the grass…only 9, which meant Ping was missing. I ran for the barn, and found him just inside, dead. Either a chicken or a duck killed him.

Then I started worrying about the bottle lamb I was feeding. Something was wrong with her insides—she was eating but not growing—so we didn’t want to sell her to another farmer to raise. Melissa thought the lamb should begin socializing with the flock, so had put her out in the pasture with the other sheep that morning. At noon it was nearly 100 degrees, and I began to worry the lamb wouldn’t be able to stay cool, since she still didn’t know how to drink from the water trough. So I brought her back into the barn where she’d be cooler, fed her a bottle of milk, and put her in her pen.

An hour later I went to check on her. She’d gotten out of the pen, into the chicken house, and eaten something that made her sick. She was on her side in the chicken house, dead.

Heck of a day. And I still had to give Melissa the news about Ping and the lamb when she got home.

So this year, when Melissa found herself with another foster duck, she resurrected the name Ping…and gave me strict instructions not to try any sort of Duck Integration experiment. I heartily agreed, so Ping will be Melissa’s baby until he’s old enough to defend himself.

He’s not too spoiled. She only holds him when she watches TV, takes a nap, sits on the porch swing, and talks on the phone. Some people have a thing for poultry, and Melissa is one of them. As for me, however, those rumors that I sometimes pick up Ping II, carry him around, and kiss his fuzzy little head, are just that, ugly rumors. I deny everything.

2 Responses

  1. My husband Jim had a series of “Heck of a day” days when we first moved in. Jim is extremely tender hearted, particularly when it comes to vermin. Excuse me, field mice. After finding several caches of dog food in my purses, fabric stashes and quilt batting I told Jim the cheeky bastard, excuse me wildlife visitor, had to go. He went to every store in town to find a cruelty free trap. The best he could do was a sticky trap. Don’t you know, after we caught the wretch, uh critter, Jim used liberal amounts of vegetable oil to unstick him and then released him in the field behind the house.

    I can’t imagine what he’d do if I lost both a duckling and a lamb in the same afternoon.

  2. Hey, Jacquie!

    I share your dislike for cheeky bastards…er, field mice…as well as Jim’s dislike for killing them.

    At least the duckling and lamb were a result of inattention, instead of my actual hand doing the actual killing.

    Ping II is doing well, and is bonding with the ducks who walk by his cage. Another few weeks and he should be free as a bird… !

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The Big Pivot

About Me

After twenty-five years on the farm, I’m adjusting to the adventures of city life. Part of that adjustment is figuring out what I want to write about now, since sheep are no longer part of my daily life. I’m challenging myself creatively by painting with pastels and playing the ukelele as I seek my new writing path.


Occasional Newsletter

Catherine Friend is a fiscal year 2021 recipient of a Creative Support for Individuals grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board. This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.