Catherine Friend
Catherine Friend

Pimp Your Blogs (Farm or otherwise)!

I’ve decided it would be a good idea to step back and let my blog readers share their blogs and websites. List your blog in a comment. If you don’t have a blog, share your favorite blog—doesn’t have to be farm related. It could be fiber or life or writing or whatever.

I’ll go first. I have this blog (obviously), but I also have a blog that I’ve started up again called The Inkslinger. It’s about writing and books and publishing…and I’m sure it will also be about not publishing, something every writer deals with.

Okay, don’t be shy!

41 Responses

  1. Hi, all! I started reading this blog after checking out _Hit By a Farm_, seeing as I’m a shepherd myself. Actually, my husband and I have a small homestead where we raise several kinds of heritage-breed livestock. Come take a look–we’re at
    (Sorry, there was a typo in the first post!)

  2. Hi, Catherine! I met you at the CMLE Fall Meeting (I presented a photo editing program called Picnik). My blog is “The Adventures of SZSRocks.” I blog about what excites me…photography, letterboxing, rockhounding and technology. In no way am I a professional blogger or writer, but it is an outlet for me to work on my writing and photography.

    By the way, I LOVE the cover of your upcoming book!

  3. Hi Catherine,

    I came by your blog via Mama Pea’s blog. I love reading about your “adventures” in farming and ordered your book “Hit By A Farm” today. Looking forward to reading it!

    I recently started a blog about me and my husband, 2 dogs and 3 cats who are trying to carve a more self-sufficient life on 10 acres in rural NC.

    Thanks for your interest!

  4. Hi all! I read The Compassionate Carnivore first and was hooked! As a sixth generation farmer, this really opened my eyes to other perspectives, as did The Omnivore’s Dilemma by Michael Pollen. I blog about farming, writing, and books at

    And I’ve started writing a column for Portland Book Review, find it at The first hard copy of the paper is out March 1. Those of you in Portland, OR, go out and find your local distributor!

  5. Hello! I have been reading your blog now for a few months. I am a blogger that blogs about chickens, cows, cars and my 4 year old son. We own 160 acres of pasture and live on a 10 acres in southeast Kansas.

  6. Hello everyone,
    I don’t recall how I first came across this blog, as the homesteading and farming blogs I follow all follow one another!! I blog about my life as a nurse and aspiring homesteader in southeast Pennsylvania at “The Wolf’s Den”, I’m looking forward to discovering some new blogs to read and learn from!

  7. This is amazing. New York, Virginia, Nebraska, New Hampshire, Canada, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Kansas!

    (The Winters Family—don’t forget your blog URL!)

    The web of blogs is wonderful …not only yours, but all the blogs you’ve linked to. I’m really enjoying ending up in such random places. (I hope to include such links soon—figured it out once, so should be able to figure it out again!)

    Keep ’em coming. And those of you who don’t have blogs, enjoy visiting these!

  8. I grew up in rural Utah on about an acre with rabbits, dogs, cats, horses, and the occasional pig or steer. I still live in Utah in a rural area that’s trying to become suburban, and I commute to the city every day. YUCK!

    On our 1/3 acre, I have a little veggie plot and some fruit trees. When I’m not finishing the coursework for my MBA, I’m mostly found here (me, spouse, and twin pre-schoolers):

    I’m a (slow) runner, and I log my miles and my race reports (which are much more entertaining than my miles) here:

    My spouse does most of the cooking, but I’m trying to needle my way into the kitchen a bit more. as I try to cook healthier meals for my family. I love making breakfasts; I do OK at desserts; I love to jam, pickle, and bottle. I’m determined to learn to make a good dinner and unlock the mysteries of the pressure cooker here:

    I’m excited to read up on some of the blogs that I see listed here. I think that I stumbled upon Farm Tales via Oh, Briggsy, but I’m not sure. Either way, I’ve been lurking here for about a month, and I really enjoy it.

  9. My oft-neglected blog is

    It’s all about growing food that you’ll actually eat.

    I’m so glad a friend lent me “Hit By a Farm” all those years ago. We’ve had our own experiences with sheep (result: my husband says we will never have livestock too big for him to wrestle it to the ground in a pinch) and reading your books really put that experience into perspective.

    Yeah for Catherine and the Farmer! And all their delicious animals.

  10. I won “Hit By a Farm” in a blog contest a few years ago, read it, loved it, had a blog contest and passed it on and have been a reader since. My website is Yarns and Musings and I blog about fiber/crochet and offer bunches of free patterns.

  11. Asking for people’s blogs might be the smartest thing I’ve posted. This is so fun, not only to read your blogs,…but…slyly… to find out who’s reading mine.


    Delighted to meet those of you who don’t usually comment. My dad lurks here all the time and never posts. (Thank god. Who wants to publicize embarrassing stories about when you were a child!)

  12. I found you via Cold Antler->The Renegade Farmer->your interview there, which I listened to while painting my home office on this rather dark, snowy day (Canada). (Thank you.)

    My blog is I just spent fifteen years creating a rather luscious urban farm/secret garden on a once barren, suburban lot. Suddenly a few months ago we had to move. Now I get to start a garden all over again in this small town….

  13. HI Catherine–I read your book, Hit by a Farm and loved it!! That’s how I found your blog. We built a home on 35 acres with the idea of raising animals. So far we have chickens and bees, but hope more will come later. We’re focused on gardening as well. And our home is as environmentally friendly as we could build within our budget. We named our property Dead Rat Hill–for the story on that go to and I started a blog last March titled Dancing Apron Farmer which is at It’s a hodgepodge of stuff about our lives.

  14. Hey every one!,
    I found this blog like a lot of others, thru MAMA PEA.
    I’m a 57 year old retired (NAVY) (24 YEARS), single (devorced) (twice) wanta be homesteader in North Carolina and I have an addition! FARM BLOGS!!! It started a few months back when I found “PIONEER WOMAN” and read her blog from start to finish. Now I have done the same to others. And I just found others I can read and learn from.
    My Blog is and the name might put alot of people off, But the first “Livestock” I got were 5000 RED WIGGLERS to help me get this sorry piece of land I got three years ago into some kind of shape.
    The worms eat all my kitchen scrops, along with hourse manure that I have to bring in by the truck load. But they make the best fertilizer nd help me to reduce my carbon foot print.
    So give it a look-see if you can.

  15. Late addition– I saw a postcard advertising “Hit By A Farm” when I attended a regional WAgN conference in Vermont a few years ago. I read the book, found the blog, and here we are. I write and farm in southern Maine with my partner. My blog’s the place I try to weave all the different vocations of my life together. Here you go! Cowgaels in Tir na Blog

  16. MaineCelt—Really? I was at that conference. Hit by a Farm wasn’t even out yet, so I made up those postcards myself. I wish they’d do the conference again….

  17. Catherine– ME TOO!!! The WAgN conference was a real watershed for me and I made a lot of vital connections there. It was also the only farm conference I’ve ever attended that took local food sourcing seriously. I’m still impressed by the lists they had out at every meal, detailing the local farms that provided different ingredients. I carpooled with four other women from Maine, and the drive was a mini-conference in itself.

  18. Is it too late to jump on this bandwagon? I was linked to your “Hit by a Farm” blog so long ago I can’t remember how. But I assure you it wasn’t another farm blog; I have the Black Thumb of Death when it comes to plants.

    So, unlike all your other links here, my blog is about the struggles of a straight Christian ally trying to move her church into becoming an open and affirming congregation. We’re on our way! You can read about that, my husband and two kids and life in general on Strelitzia.

  19. Frustrated Farmer Rick,

    It’s never too late to pimp your blog. And you guys are just in our back yard! Has this been the snowiest winter, or what?

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The Big Pivot

About Me

After twenty-five years on the farm, I’m adjusting to the adventures of city life. Part of that adjustment is figuring out what I want to write about now, since sheep are no longer part of my daily life. I’m challenging myself creatively by painting with pastels and playing the ukelele as I seek my new writing path.


Occasional Newsletter

Catherine Friend is a fiscal year 2021 recipient of a Creative Support for Individuals grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board. This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.