Catherine Friend
Catherine Friend

Meet the Lambs

It’s been two weeks since we finished lambing. (Hurrah!) Everyone’s out on pasture and doing great. I tried to take a video of the two lambs I’m supplementing with bottles running toward me, and then feeding them.  Two hands holding three things? I held one bottle between my knees, and one in my hand, while […]

Duck Drama

Sunday was a bad day. Melissa broke the fence containing the steers, so she and Mary had to move them to a new pasture in the pouring rain. Later a neighbor brought his riding lawn mower for us to use (both our mowers are broken) and just started mowing himself. Pleased, I went on to […]

Zoomin’ Lambs

Our friend Mary spent five days here—feeding baby lambs and calves, planting flowers, fixing stuff. Let’s hear it for friends with energy!Mary managed to whip out her phone and catch these guys as they were zooming around.  Too cute…

Elvis in the Office

What’s in a writer’s office? Secret stuff.My ‘stuff’ has many themes. Here’s one. Yes, I know, I know. It’s a bit much.I have a problem.But isn’t admitting that half the battle?

Sheepish about suggesting a book review

I like that my friends and acquaintances don’t spend oodles of time writing reviews for You all lead rich, busy lives. This is good.That said, the Sheepish entry on looks a bit forlorn without reviews, and I know my editor’s going to be telling me any day now that I need some reviews […]

A Rising Moon Farm Monday

Here’s my Monday. 6:30 Rise. Put on chore clothes (stained with blood and milk replacer and dirt, with bits of straw stuck in the cuffs.) 6:30-7 am.  Feed myself. Feed dogs 7:45–8 am. Mix up milk replacer and feed bottle lamb up in big barn. Check to see if any ewes are in labor. 8:00–8:30. […]

It’s Raining Babies

Babies everywhere. Two long nights—up until 3 am. Acck. Melissa and I have bags under our eyes, and feel as if we’re about to tip over.  But we have babies….

Meet the Ladies

Hi, my name is 117. I’m getting on in years, so thanks for not photographing my udder. I’m 704. I’m young. I’m a little skittish. In fact, when my babies are born, I plan to freak out. I’m 703, and I’m hoping for a spinal blocker. Maybe some Valium or oxycontin. Or put me under […]

Wool Could Keep Soldiers Safer

According to the American Sheep Industry (which is quoting Australian sources), wool has a new use – making body armor even more bullet resistant. Here’s the article: Researchers at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) school of fashion and textiles discovered that a blend of wool and Kevlar, the synthetic fiber widely used in […]

Should sheep wear clothing?

This may not be a question that’s ever occurred to you, but many months ago, when I received the draft cover for Sheepish, I laughed out loud because the sheep was ‘wearing’ a lime green hat and a lime green scarf. I loved the cover instantly. This has never happened to me before. I tend […]